Thursday, January 17, 2013

Weight Loss Update and Recommedations

It's been a total of 7.5 weeks since committing to going 100% grain-free.

And I figure that if I'm going to blog about the experience, I should include all the facts.

I made a math error and miscalculated the loss in the original post, dated 12/31/2012 and will have corrected it by the time you read this. Originally I was counting the weight dropped in the total time between beginning my food journal and making the commitment to go grain-free, so it wasn't completely wrong, it was just skewed because of conflicting dates. I've lost a total of 12 pounds since November 26 when I made the firm choice. And am now, just barely under 150 lbs.

It certainly can be quite frustrating when you're sitting at the same weight for a while. After dropping about 7 pounds, it seemed like I hung out for a little over a week at 155-ish before there was any further movement toward lower numbers on the scale. But I've hung in there. I'm determined to see this through and very committed to reaching my desired outcome of 125.

I've had to be aware of my inner dialogue and emotional state, because when we're feeling unhappy about our bodies, most people naturally make comments or have emotional reactions to our bodies, especially when looking in the mirror or shopping for clothes. I might not say or think, "Gross" but my emotional reaction might be exactly that. So being on top of my inner dialogue and emotions has been a huge help.

What happens when we're disgusted or unhappy with ourselves is that we put our energy into what we don't want, rather than what we do want. So if you're also in this process, make sure you're not putting conflicting energy into your outcome. Everything should align; your thoughts, your actions, your desired outcome, and your speech must all reflect what you DO want. This goes for any change you want to make in your life, not just weight-loss goals.

So today, I'm 149.8 and have been hanging around the 149.5 mark for several days now. I'm hoping for another drop soon.

I'm going to create a list of foods to avoid and share that here - look for it in a couple of days. Also, remember that water storing can also skew your results. So if you eat a salty diet, you're most likely retaining water regularly. Likewise, if you have an unusually salty meal, you can retain water for a few days.

The last thing I will say for now, is to make sure you're drinking plenty of water. If you're not peeing between 6 and 15 times a day, you're not drinking enough! And if you're thirsty, your cells are already dehydrated. I drink lots of water. It will not help to add flavor to it as that has chemicals as well as a glycemic number that will work against you - even sugar substitutes like aspartame, sucralose and the like are very bad for you... especially for a diabetic! If you've gotta sweeten something and can't use real sugar, I recommend Sweet Leaf Stevia - it's the only brand I've found that has no aftertaste, and calculates to Zero on the glycemic index.

But back to water... it helps to have a designated water container with a lid - either a water bottle, or like I use, a large Starbucks reusable tumbler with a straw. It keeps my water cool and it's ever available and easy to refill.

Thank you for following me here!

© 2012-1013, Giovanna Mealer
All Rights Reserved.

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